Advent Calendar Day 1 (2023)

Advent Calendar Day 1 (2023)

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    Red Snowflake Jasper

    Red Snowflake Jasper, also known as Red Snowflake Obsidian

    • Grounding and Stability: Red Snowflake Jasper is often used to promote grounding and stability, helping individuals feel more connected to the Earth and fostering a sense of security.
    • Energy Boost: This crystal is believed to provide an energy boost, revitalizing the body and mind. It may help combat fatigue and increase motivation.
    • Emotional Healing: Red Snowflake Jasper is thought to support emotional healing and balance by encouraging self-love, acceptance, and inner strength. It may assist in releasing negative emotions and promoting a sense of calm.
    •  Nurturing and Protection: This stone is associated with nurturing and protective energies. It is said to create a shield against negativity, helping to maintain a positive outlook and shielding against psychic attacks.
    • Grounded Creativity: Red Snowflake Jasper is believed to stimulate creativity and enhance the flow of innovative ideas while keeping individuals grounded and focused.
    • Associated Chakra(s): Root (1st)
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