Energy Cleansing Tips for Spring

As we welcome in the spring equinox, it's time to clean and declutter our homes and our energy. These tips are for spring cleaning, but from less of a Marie Kondo approach and more of an Erykah Badu approach. While it's important to physically clean for the springtime, it's just as important to cleanse the energy of your home too. Out with stank and stagnant energy, in with the good vibes! Light up some incense and let's get to work!

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. Let it remind you of how beautiful change can be.

Here are 7 down-to-earth energy clearing tips for sprucing up your house, workspace, and car this season:

1. Use Your Crystals

Place crystals such as clear quartz or amethyst in key areas of your house, car, and workplace to absorb negative energy and promote a sense of balance, harmony, and renewal. Make sure you cleanse, charge, and reprogram them  so they can support your new intentions.

2. Use Your M's

Mindfulness & Meditation. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to center yourself, release stress, and welcome a sense of inner peace and clarity as you embrace the new season.

3. Establish a New Rising Routine

Starting your day with a grounding ritual, such as a few minutes of meditation or a calming cup of tea, can set a positive tone for the day, much like a refreshing morning walk in spring.

4. Get Rid of What You Don't Use

Purge unnecessary items from your living space, car, and work area to create a sense of clarity and order, promoting a renewed mindset for the astrological new year.

5. Get Some Air

Open windows in your house, car, and workplace to invite in the revitalizing spring breeze, symbolizing a fresh start and new energy flow.

6. Get Some Sun

Embrace natural light by spending time outdoors or positioning yourself near windows to soak up the sunshine, boosting your mood and vitality in alignment with the spring season.

7. Smudge It Out

Light sage or palo santo to remove negative energy from your space and invite renewed energy in. Open your windows and clean every room in your home from front to back. Visualize the energy in your space lifting as you work to remove energetic weight lingering around. 

It's important to cleanse ALL of your spaces. Energy lingers. Now is the time to manifest the new beginnings and new energy you truly desire. Put these tips into action and RECEIVE the blessings coming your way. Spring is about abundance. It's yours if you claim it.