Advent Calendar Day 7 (2023)

Advent Calendar Day 7 (2023)

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    1. Confidence: Carnelian is often referred to as the "stone of confidence" as it helps boost self-esteem, courage, and personal power. It can enhance your sense of self-worth and encourage you to take positive action towards your goals.

    2. Creativity: This stone is believed to stimulate creativity and inspiration. It can help you tap into your inner talents and express yourself more freely, making it beneficial for artists, writers, and creative individuals.

    3. Passion and Sensuality: Carnelian is known for its association with passion and sensuality. It can help awaken and enhance your sexual energy, promoting a healthy expression of desires and strengthening intimate connections.

    4. Emotional Healing: Carnelian is thought to have a healing effect on emotional wounds, assisting in the release of negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and sorrow. It can bring a sense of joy, warmth, and emotional balance.

    5. Motivation and Manifestation: This stone is believed to enhance motivation, drive, and determination. It can help you set clear intentions, manifest your desires, and take decisive action towards achieving your goals.

    Associated Chakra: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)
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